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Land titling and search forms

Find the forms you need to create a new title, make changes to an existing title, add or remove an interest in a title or to search for information on the progress and status of a title and/or a transaction on a title.

Important Note

Landgate is aware of a technical issue impacting e-Forms, which is resulting in additional information from the Certificate of Title being automatically populated in the body of the form. An update to fix this issue will be implemented as soon as possible. In the meantime, it is recommended that all forms are closely checked for accuracy prior to signing by parties. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. 

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Choose your format

We now offer electronic forms (e-forms) with dropdown menus, help fields and the ability to source and add relevant information straight from the Land Titles Register. These forms help you to get it right first time.

To use our e-forms, you will need to register a Landgate online account.

If you prefer to work with our pdfs, you can save them to your computer and type directly into the text boxes or complete by hand.

Tips for using “Issuing box” numbers in an e-form. An issuing box number is used to advise Landgate of your preference where documents (e.g. a duplicate lease) are to be returned to the lodging party after completion, and can be used by anyone: 

  • 555A – Private Customer – Counter pickup  
  • 777F – Private Customer – Post to address stated in the e-form 
  • 888V – Industry Customer – Counter pickup  
  • 999L – Industry Customer – Post to address stated in the e-form 

You can create an e-form leaving these panels blank, however the person lodging will be prompted by counter staff to fill in the details by hand before lodgement. 

Please note: All forms must be printed on both sides of the paper, excluding the Record Interest – Mortgage (National Mortgage form which may be printed in single sided.

Should you have any feedback on our forms, please submit our online customer feedback form

Find your form

Our full list of land titling and document search forms are listed below. If you need help making changes to your title, just follow this link to our useful how-to-guides:

Or filter by category