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Customer news and media

Access all our latest news, media releases, customer information bulletins and other useful updates and notices.

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Customer information bulletins

Keep up to date with changes to practices and procedures in land registration as they happen. The changes published in our regular customer information bulletins (CIBs) often supersede information and instructions found in the Policy and procedure guides (practice manuals). Our handy bulletins will tell you how and to what extent.

Read the latest CIBs above or view a full list of current and historical bulletins over on our Customer information bulletin index page.

You can also subscribe to receive updates each time we release a new bulletin.

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Media queries

For Landgate-related media queries, call our media line on +61 (0)437 811 939 or email and include your deadline.

Image requests

Please note any intended reproduction of a Landgate product, such as satellite or aerial imagery, is subject to copyright. Any request to reproduce or publish a Landgate product in any form, including as part of media articles or for broadcast should be emailed to

For all other enquiries, contact us.