The role of the Valuer-General
The Valuer-General is WA’s statutory authority for overseeing the valuation of land across our state.
As an independent officer appointed by the Governor of WA, the Valuer-General sets the standards and policies that ensure land is valued in a consistent, accurate, and transparent manner.
The Valuer-General administers the Valuation of Land Act 1978 (the VLA) and oversees the valuations carried out for rating and tax purposes on behalf of State and local government, to ensure they comply with the VLA.
Types of valuations carried out
- Gross rental value (GRV) -  the gross annual rental that a property might reasonably be expected to earn annually if it were rented.
- Unimproved value (UV) – the value of the land only.
- Pastoral leases – the rent value for Crown land leased for grazing of authorised livestock on natural vegetation.

Carlo Tassone
"As the Valuer-General my day-to-day duties include planning and preparation for general valuations, providing direction for complex objections and interim valuations, collaborating with government, industry and the community to ensure valuations determined by Landgate are fair, just, and equitable. The thing I most enjoy about my role is working with a professional team of people to deliver quality valuation information for property rates, land tax, service charges and levies."
What role does Landgate play in valuations?
Landgate valuers conduct independent and unbiased valuations of all properties across WA for rating and taxing purposes. We are entrusted, on behalf of the State Government, to deliver fair, just and equitable land valuations that are in accordance with the VLA.
Landgate’s valuations are used by local governments, government agencies and emergency services as a basis to determine property rates, service charges and levies.
Neither the Valuer-General nor Landgate sets council rates, emergency service levies or water provider charges. Local governments and other rating authorities use valuations provided by the Valuer-General to determine their own charges.
Valuer-General’s policies and publications
Explore our policies on our dedicated valuation policies page.
To view our publications, access WA Government Gazette Notices for general valuation programs in our Customer Information Bulletins (CIB) section.