What is included?
Administrative boundary data includes local governments, local government wards, localities (suburbs), townsites, land districts, port authorities, marine parks and reserves, infrastructure corridors, water control areas, state forests, Native Title claims, and State electoral districts and regions.
Further administrative boundaries are to be added, such as rail freight line corridors, marine harbours and ports, and heritage areas. Apart from applying directly to land administration, they also provide a useful tool in identifying potential 'areas of interest' for cadastral data extraction and demographic studies. The data is updated on a daily basis ensuring very reliable datasets.

Administrative boundary data gives you:
- unique ID number
- usage code, which signifies the purpose of the polygon (e.g. locality)
- postcode
- Australian Bureau of Statistics number (assigned to local areas)
- legal area in square metres.
Key information and attributes | |
Polygon area, unique identification number, electoral (Commonwealth, State and Local Government), local government, locality and townsite boundaries. | |
Geometry type | Polygon |
Supply format | Shape files, DXF, File Geodatabase, GeoPackage, SLIP - Web Services, API's and Data Downloads |
Update cycle | Daily |
Coverage | Whole of state |
Data download | Yes |
Accuracy | Administrative boundaries have extents that are defined under legislative requirements (both State and Federal). Administrative boundaries within the service are linked to the State's Spatial Cadastral Database (SCDB) and therefore carry the same point/line accuracies. This service should not be relied upon for legal purposes instead refer to the original statutory documentation. |
Data dictionaries
Administrative boundary data dictionary - SLIP
Administrative boundary data dictionary - Data Delivery
How to access our Administrative boundary data
Access options
Request a one-time access to the latest version of this dataset in a format that suits you.
If you wish to receive data supplied on a regular basis, please email Businesssolutions@landgate.wa.gov.au
Per 10 polygons (vector) - $0.47
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You can contact our Business Solutions team on +61 (0)9273 7683 or email BusinessSolutions@landgate.wa.gov.au for more information on our data and SLIP subscription services.