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Enjoy your weekly snapshot of the Perth and Mandurah property market. Registered in the past week, we bring you the top 10:


This information is based on house sales in the Perth and Mandurah property market, registered for the week ending 9 March 2025.

Top 10 most expensive properties sold

No. Street Name   Suburb Land Area (m2) Sale Price Beds Baths
1 FLORENCE      ST   COTTESLOE          707 $3,500,000 4 2
2 RIVERWAY           APPLECROSS         1138 $3,300,000 3 3
3 THE ESPLANADE      MOUNT PLEASANT     775 $3,000,000 4 4
4 LUCRETIA      CIR  NORTH COOGEE       453 $3,000,000 4 2
5 WOODHOUSE     RD   EAST FREMANTLE     728 $2,905,000 4 3
6 ELIMATTA      WAY  CITY BEACH         989 $2,800,000 4 1
7 MARABOO       LOOP NORTH COOGEE       191 $2,710,000 3 3
8 STEPHANIE     ST   DALKEITH           784 $2,670,000 3 1
9 ALEXANDER     ST   WEMBLEY            721 $2,600,000 4 2
10 GLOSTER       ST   SUBIACO            607 $2,540,000 2 1

Top 10 most affordable properties sold

No. Street Name   Suburb Land Area (m2) Sale Price Beds Baths
1 CASSERLEY  WAY  ORELIA       728 $420,000 3 1
2 CARMATHEN  AV   BUTLER       160 $520,000 2 1
3 GROVER     WAY  MEDINA       728 $535,000 2 1
4 HOLLING    ST   MADDINGTON   711 $545,000 3 1
5 SNOWY      LANE HILBERT      225 $545,000 3 2
6 ARMADA     CL   PORT KENNEDY 734 $555,000 3 1
7 LINLEY     RD   WANNANUP     1012 $555,000 2 1
8 VERNA      ST   GOSNELLS     809 $555,500 2 1
9 TRUARN     ST   MANDURAH     809 $560,000 3 1
10 HESPERIA   PDE  ELLENBROOK   126 $560,000 2 2

Top 10 suburbs by numbers sold

No. Suburb Number Sold Total Value
1 BALDIVIS      19 $14,425,500
2 THORNLIE      11 $7,704,400
3 BRABHAM       10 $7,672,500
4 CANNING VALE  9 $9,301,790
5 WELLARD       9 $5,997,999
6 GOSNELLS      8 $4,980,500
7 ROCKINGHAM    7 $5,757,500
8 WAIKIKI       7 $4,775,000
9 BUTLER        6 $4,387,800
10 BYFORD        6 $4,592,000

Top 10 suburbs by total turnover 

No. Suburb Number Sold Total Value
1 BALDIVIS       19 $14,425,500
2 CANNING VALE   9 $9,301,790
3 THORNLIE       11 $7,704,400
4 BRABHAM        10 $7,672,500
5 WEMBLEY DOWNS  4 $7,275,000
6 FLOREAT        3 $6,420,000
7 LESMURDIE      6 $6,353,000
8 HALLS HEAD     6 $6,134,500
9 WELLARD        9 $5,997,999
10 ROCKINGHAM     7 $5,757,500



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