How to verify your identity
Our VOI practice is designed to reduce the opportunity for successful land title fraud as a result of identity theft or other improper dealings. It sets out to achieve this by requesting verification of the identity of a person transacting and their authority to deal with an interest in land. This verification is required for nominated electronic and paper based transactions.
For further information regarding how to coduct VOI, please refer to the below tabs for more information on:
- VOI-01: Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions
- VOI-02: Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority for Self-Represented Parties. Paper Based Transactions
- VOI-03: Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions - Foreign Countries
- VOI-04: Verification of Identity and Authority - Electronic Transactions
Verification of Identity further information

VOI-01 Guide: Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions
This Verification of Identity and Authority Practice (the Practice), issued jointly by the Western Australian Registrar of Titles and Commissioner of Titles, sets out the minimum standard of Verification of Identity for registered proprietors and others who sign a range of real property paper documents that are to be lodged with Landgate.

VOI-02 Guide: Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority for Self-Represented Parties. Paper Based Transactions
If a person does not have a solicitor or licensed settlement agent acting on their behalf, they are referred to as “a self-represented party”.
Self-represented parties must be identified by an Identifier who is authorised by the Registrar of Titles. Australia Post has been authorised by the Registrar of Titles to conduct Verification of Identity of self-represented parties in accordance with this Practice. Identity verification can be conducted at a participating Australia Post outlet.
These FAQs are intended to act as a general guide and not as legal advice. They are provided in good faith and believed to be accurate at the time of publication. They are provided on the basis that you will be responsible for making your own assessment of the contents and that they are appropriate for your particular circumstances. If you have any issues of a legal nature, you should consider seeking the advice of an independent legal practitioner who is experienced in property matters.
VOI Forms and document lodgement by Self-Represented Parties FAQs
Self Represented Parties will need the following in order to successfully lodge at Landgate:
- Correctly completed and signed Land Transaction document/s.
- VOI Statutory Declaration (including reference to Australia Post receipt containing unique TSP reference number and confirmation of retention of Right to Deal documentation and/or evidence).
- Registration Fees.
- Any additional documentary evidence required to support the Land Transaction document/s.
Yes, you can. The VOI-SRP Form is available on our website and is also linked below on this webpage,
Please note: The VOI-SRP Form is only to be signed in the presence of the Australia Post Officer conducting the VOI check.
Yes, the VOI-SRP Form can be printed multiple times if required.
When a SRP attends Australia Post to have their identity verified, Australia Post will issue a receipt upon payment of the fee and completion of the VOI.
When the SRP lodges the associated land transaction document/s with Landgate, a VOI Statutory Declaration must be completed, which will need to include reference of the unique TSP Reference number which is located on the receipt and can be identified as per the example below.
You can find further information regarding the requirements for this statutory declaration on the Landgate Website.
No, where a person decides to be Self-Represented, they may only deal on land/or interests in land in their name and not subject to a trust, nor in the name of a company.
You should consider engaging the services of an industry professional for land transactions.
No, where a person decides to be Self-Represented, they may only deal on land/or interests in land in their name and not subject to a trust, nor in the name of a company.
You should consider engaging the services of an industry professional for land transactions.
You have 12 months from the date of your VOI with Australia Post to lodge your associated land transaction document/s, after which time a new VOI will need to be completed with Australia Post.
Once you have completed the VOI with a participating Australia Post outlet, you may lodge the documents and supporting evidence for your land transaction at a Landgate office (Perth, Midland, Post) at your earliest convenience. It is recommended to lodge as soon as you’re able, to avoid unnecessary delays or loss of supporting evidence.
Once the VOI has been completed with Australia Post and the receipt has been provided to you, you may proceed to lodge your documents at one of Landgate’s offices (Perth or Midland).
(Please note, this is subject to the Landgate hours of lodgement being 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays)
From February 2025, Australia Post will issue the SRP who has been identified with a receipt containing a unique TSP reference number. The TSP reference number must be referenced in the supporting VOI statutory declaration which is lodged at Landgate with the land transaction document/s.
If you misplace the receipt, Australia Post may be able to re-print it from the outlet where it was obtained within 3 months of the date of the VOI. After this time, you may be required to undertake the VOI process again to obtain a new receipt.
We strongly recommend you take a photo or copy of the receipt for safekeeping.
Documents can be lodged at one of Landgate’s offices, or via the post:
Office locations:
Perth: 200 St George’s Terrace, Plaza Level, Perth
Midland: 1 Midland Square, Midland
Postal address:
PO BOX 2222
Midland, WA 6936
A VOI statutory declaration is required for each identified person and for each document that is lodged which is subject to the VOI process. For further information please refer to Table 1 of paragraph 2 Application of the Verification of Identity Practice in the Land Titles Policy Guide
No, once the VOI process has been completed by Australia Post, all of the relevant property land descriptions that are the subject of the land transaction document/s are to be specified in the VOI Statutory Declaration. (The VOI form lodged with Australia Post refers to only one title number.)
Yes, the VOI undertaken by Australia Post is valid for 12 months and may be used within that period for multiple transactions over the same property, if required. However, once the 12 months has expired, the VOI process will need to be undertaken again with Australia Post.
Right to Deal is the entitlement of a person to be a particular party to a land transaction
The documents which may demonstrate a person’s Right to Deal in a land transaction will differ from case to case and from individual to individual.
Documentary evidence supporting a person’s right to enter into one of the land transactions requiring VOI may include, but is not limited to, originals, copies or records of:
- Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration
- Court Orders
- State Administration Tribunal Order (SAT)
- the contract of sale for the property
- a current local government rates notice
- current utility bills for the property
- a current land tax assessment notice for the property
- loan documentation
- the mortgage granted by the mortgagor
- contract
VOI and Australia Post FAQs
This information is available on the Australia Post website - ‘Find a Participating Outlet’.
The Australia Post outlet staff will conduct the Verification of Identification and witness your signature on the Land Title VOI SRP WA Form. They may have limited or no ability to aid with what ID category is best suited to you or to print the VOI-SRP Form.
For general enquires regarding the VOI process for SRP’s, please contact Landgate:
Phone: 08 9273 7373
Please note, if you have any difficulty meeting the required document standards for each ID Category, you may wish to consider seeking the services of an Industry Professional.
ID Documents FAQs
- Your completed (but not signed) Land Title Verification of Identity Form – Self-Represented Party (Western Australia) – the VOI-SRP Form. (The Australia Post representative will witness your signature on this form).
- Your original ID documents of the highest category possible. Table 1 in VOI-02.
- Fee for payment of service.
Australia Post does not have the ability to swap and change ID types from the set categories.
If you cannot fulfill categories 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6, it is recommended that you go to an Industry Professional who can apply a “reasonable steps” approach to identify you if appropriate.
You may need to apply to obtain appropriate documents or replacement documents through the relevant organisation, or the person may need to consider a formal name change.
Cost/Fees and Discounts FAQs
A fee is payable to Australia Post for the identification service, which is currently $49.
Payment must be paid at the Australia Post outlet on the day VOI occurs.
No discount is available.
Key Documents for Self Represented Parties

VOI-03 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions - Foreign Countries
The processes and procedures for verification of identity in a foreign country contained in this guide are applicable to both paper based and electronic transactions.
A verification of identity conducted in a foreign country must be conducted by utilising the services of an Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate.

VOI-04 Verification of Identity and Authority- Electronic Transactions
Verification of Identity and authority is required for nominated electronic and paper based land transactions. The requirements for electronic transactions are similar to those that operate in paper and are contained in the Western Australian Participation Rules.
These FAQs are intended to act as a general guide and not as legal advice. They are provided in good faith and believed to be accurate at the time of publication. They are provided on the basis that you will be responsible for making your own assessment of the contents and that they are appropriate for your particular circumstances. If you have any issues of a legal nature, you should consider seeking the advice of an independent legal practitioner who is experienced in property matters.
General VOI frequently asked questions
VOI is used as one important part of a fraud mitigation strategy which is intended to reduce and better mitigate domestic and international fraud risks, strengthening the integrity of the Western Australian Torrens Land Title system for the benefit of all users of that system.
VOI is required for nominated electronic and paper-based land transactions for land located in Western Australia. The requirements for electronic transactions are contained in the Western Australian Participation Rules.
The requirements for paper-based transactions are contained in the Joint Practice outlined in VOI-01 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions
Because the Verification of Identity and Authority practice covers a person's right to perform the transaction on each property, a statement for each property and transaction is required.
For Represented Parties - Industry Professionals may appoint an ‘Agent’ to undertake the face-to-face element of VOI, such as Australia Post or an Australian Consulate if they are overseas. The Agent completes the face-to-face VOI however the responsibility of signing the VOI Statement and ensuring the correct person is authorising the land transaction, still lies with the Settlement Agent/Conveyancer/Solicitor/Lawyer/Mortgagee.
For Self-Represented Parties - Australia Post is the only authorised agent approved to conduct VOI for SRP’s. SRPs must attend Australia Post for the face-to-face element of the process and comply with other requirements as set out in VOI-02 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority for Self-Represented.
For Represented Parties - An application for ‘Ongoing Business Relationship’ is available for industry professionals where they have clients who conduct numerous transactions, such as Transfer, Mortgages, Caveats and Withdrawal of Caveats. They must identify the same client twice (2x) before they can claim an “Ongoing Business Relationship’. They will not need to identify this person again after the lapsing of the 2 yrs. See section 5.1 of VOI-01.
For Self-Represented Parties - SRP’s will have 12 months from the date of their VOI with Australia Post to lodge their associated land transaction document/s, after which time a new VOI will need to be completed with Australia Post.
A VOI statement issued by Australia Post prior to February 2025 under the previous requirements for SRPs, will be accepted with the associated land transaction document/s for a period of 12 months from the date of issue.
You may contact Landgate prior to settlement to confirm if the TSP Ref Number and date of identification stated by the transferor on the SRP VOI Statutory Declaration corresponds with the VOI reference number provided to Landgate by Australia Post.
In order for to verify this information, you will need to provide Landgate with the “date of identification” and the “TSP Ref No.” specified in the Transferor’s SRP VOI Statutory Declaration. Ideally you will do this via email to prior to settlement, however phone enquiries to (08) 9273 7373 for this purpose will also be acceptable if the SRP VOI Statutory Declaration is not available for viewing prior to settlement. For more information, please see VOI-02.
The SRP will have received one (1) VOI statement from Australia Post for each parcel of land specified on their application form. The statement/s will have been posted to the SRP based on the address specified in the application form. Australia Post will not have sent any statements directly to Landgate.
Yes. People dealing in land in the Indian Ocean Territories (Cocos and Christmas Islands) are required to comply with the Verification of Identity practice.
No. A conveyancer/lawyer cannot provide a standalone service of Verification of Identity in a property transaction.