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Lodgement turnaround times

The below turnaround times include both electronically lodged documents and paper lodged documents. The turnaround times for paper lodged documents reflect the approximate number of business days required for a document or case to be assigned to a Land Titles Officer to commence examination. 

Tracking your lodgement

Please note that the turnaround times are estimates and can vary. For updates specific to your case or document, we recommend utilising our free tracking services to monitor progress.

You can perform a Dealing Status Search through Land Enquiry Services or, alternatively, you may wish to subscribe to NotifyMe  to receive automated email notifications as the dealing progresses.

Your part to achieving a quicker turnaround time

To achieve a quicker turnaround time for your documents, ensure your document is prepared correctly to the standards outlined in A guide to basic requirements for the preparation of paper documents and DOC-01 Document Preparation (PDF & eForms) to avoid a requisition notice being issued, which may extend the time required for registration beyond the average turnaround time listed below.

If you have a document that is time sensitive, it may be possible to have it completed sooner than the average turnaround time through our expedite process.

Benefits of electronic lodgement

Landgate is committed to increasing its electronic lodgement capabilities, with a range of documents that can now be lodged electronically.

The benefits of electronic lodgement include:

  • Streamlining the lodgement process;
  • Reducing opportunity for document errors; and     
  • Faster registration timeframes.

Please refer to Latest news on Electronic Conveyancing for further information on electronic lodgement.

Average Turnaround Times (business days)

Document type Paper Lodgement Electronic Lodgement
Discharge of Mortgage  35 20 seconds - 3 days
Transfer of Land  35 20 seconds - 3 days
Mortgage  35 20 seconds - 3 days
Caveat  35 20 seconds - 3 days
Withdrawal of Caveat  35 20 seconds - 3 days
Application to Change Name 29 20 seconds - 3 days
Application by Survivor  28 3 days
Transmission Application  29 3 days
Enduring Power of Attorney  12 N/A
Other Crown / Freehold Dealings 171 N/A
New Title Applications 17 N/A
Plan Type Average Turnaround Time
High Priority Plans 4
Medium Priority Plans 24
Low Priority Plans 36

For further information on Plans priority definitions, please refer to our Priority Plan Examination Procedure for Plans.

Investigations and Corrections   Average Turnaround 
Simple Investigation - where a typographical error to a name or address on a title has occurred   10

Complex Investigation – all other investigations are categorised as complex due to:

  • the nature and amount of investigation required into the matter,
  • whether additional evidence or information is needed; and/or
  • whether legal advice is required.

The time to complete a Complex Investigation is assessed on a case-by-case basis.  


For more information

For a full list of documents eligible for electronic lodgement visit ELE-01 Electronic Conveyancing and the E-conveyancing tool kit.

You can find additional information in the Land Transaction Procedure Guides or by emailing

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