Land transaction formsFind the form you’re looking for with our comprehensive catalogue of property registration, search, strata and community title forms.
How to make changes to a titleOur how-to-guides will help you identify and complete your form to make changes to your title.
Land transaction procedure guidesKeep up to date with the changes in legislation and current best practice all in the one place.
Land transaction feesOur most up to date, regulated fees are listed here for your convenience.
Lodgement turnaround timesFind out the average time it takes upon successful lodgement of your forms and your options to expedite the process.
Requisition PortalThe Requisition Portal is a secure portal where document lodging parties and preparing parties can upload evidence in response to requisitions.

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The information provided is intended only to be a summary and general overview. It is a guide only and may not be suitable for your specific circumstances. The information is not intended to be comprehensive, nor to constitute legal advice. We strongly recommend that you seek independent legal or other professional advice, appropriate to your own circumstances, before acting or relying on any information provided.