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Community titles support and resources

Use this online resource centre to access information, policy and FAQs to help answer your questions and guide your understanding of community schemes.

Introductory resources

Community titles video

Start to see what might be possible through community titles via the two theoretical examples presented in this 5-minute video.

New tenure, new opportunities brochure

A general introduction to community schemes, with an overview of what this land tenure has to offer, along with three theoretical scenarios.

pdf 13.62 MB

The information and images provided within the above video and brochure are of a theoretical nature only. Any proposed community scheme would be considered on its merits by the Western Australian Planning Commission, in accordance with the Community Titles Act 2018 and the relevant planning context.

Detailed resources

Guide to community titles

This guide offers a detailed summary of WA’s community titles law. You may find it helpful to have a copy of this guide available if contacting Landgate or the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage for further information.

pdf 2.18 MB

Guide to resolving community titles disputes

This guide will help you navigate through your options for resolving disputes within a community titles scheme and/or community scheme.

pdf 3.77 MB

Guide to termination of community titles schemes in WA

A summary of the process for terminating a community titles scheme.

pdf 5.83 MB

Information Obligations – Seller’s Guide

This guide will support you to understand your obligations as a seller under the Community Titles Act 2018.

pdf 201 KB

Learn how to prepare a community development statement

Refer to these key resources from the Western Australian Planning Commission:

  • Operational Policy 1.11 - Community Schemes
  • Community Scheme Guidelines.

Both are available via the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage’s website.

WA community titles law

Community titles schemes are governed by the following acts and regulations:

Contact Landgate

Customers are welcome to contact us for information and guidance about community titles.

Frequently asked questions