Securing your interests
Landgate secures your land and property ownership interests. So, whether you’re buying or selling a property, want to make changes to a title, or you’re seeking general advice on a transaction, we can help.
We maintain Western Australia’s land titles registry to ensure its security and integrity. We also issue and manage all WA Certificates of Title.
Landgate holds both current and historic records, and we have a range of forms, guides and search options that help you find the information and the documents you want.
Buying and selling propertyUnderstand the process of land and property transfers and how title exchange is completed correctly.
Certificates of TitleLearn about certificates of title, what they contain, and how to order a copy along with associated documents.
Survey plans and documentsA legal survey and its associated plans and other documents exist for almost all land in Western Australia
Property sales and trendsFind out what’s happening in the property market near you with the latest sales reports, data, and trends.
Property Interest ReportLearn about potential land use restrictions on a property, such as whether it’s heritage-listed.
Verify an addressEstablish the accuracy of home addresses in Western Australia using our free online address verification service.
Certification of original documentsFind out about our legal certification services for land registration documents, such as titles and surveys.
Fraud preventionRead about measures to safeguard your land title, including verifying identity, TitleWatch, and Landowner caveats.
Natural disaster recovery supportDiscover the ways Landgate offers assistance to communities severely affected by eligible natural disasters.
Historical recordsSearch for historical ownership details via our property records and archives to study your family or town history.